【雲上嶺南】Tourism Delegation from Tropical North Queensland, Australia, Visits China: Hopes China Will Become Its Largest International Market 澳大利亚热带北昆士兰旅游代表团访华:期待中国成为当地最大国际客源市场

【雲上嶺南】Ne Zha 2 has ranked among the top 6 in the global box office, with US media outlets describing its blockbuster success as unprecedented 进入全球票房榜前6名,美媒用”极为罕见”形容《哪吒2》霸榜

China Xplained | Can China keep its allure to foreign



当千年侨乡邂逅“魔童”哪吒 读懂《哪吒2》背后的江门密码

【雲上嶺南】Ne Zha 2 has ranked among the top 6 in the global box office, with US media outlets describing its blockbuster success as unprecedented 进入全球票房榜前6名,美媒用”极为罕见”形容《哪吒2》霸榜

发布时间:   来源: 羊城晚报-云上岭南

Art and Culture | The film 'Ne Zha 2' is set to be released in #Japan on April 4th, and various parties are actively promoting the release of 'Little Ne Zha'. Since its overseas debut, the film has been breaking box office records, holding the top 10 spot for three consecutive weekends in North #America. The #USmedia praised the #Chinese animated masterpiece as a rarely seen phenomenon, highlighting its unprecedented success. According to data from online platforms, on March 9th, 'Ne Zha 2' surpassed 'Avengers: Infinity War' in global movie box office (including presales and overseas), securing the sixth spot in the global box office rankings.#artandculture







上一篇:【雲上嶺南】More Than the "Seven Champions"! Guangdong's Iconic Moments in Robotics Have Arrived 不止“七剑客”!广东机器人“名场面”来了
下一篇:【雲上嶺南】After Apprenticing with the Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritor, the "Young Lions" Dance at the Li Clan Ancestral Hall in Liede Village, Guangzhou 拜非遗传承人为师后,一众“幼狮”在广州猎德祠堂“起舞”

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