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云 南 咖 啡 ,何 以 代 表 中 国 ?

中国机遇 世界共享!“春天里的中国”全球对话会卡塔尔专场在多哈举行

【大美广东】This 300-Year-Old Tree Is in Bloom, Right in Baiyun, Guangzhou 这棵300岁的古树开花了,就在广州白云

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报
Lingnan: Beauty Beyond Borders | As #spring arrives in #Guangzhou, have you ventured out to admire the #blossoms? Compared to the widely celebrated #kapok, #Bauhinia, and #cherry blossoms, a hidden gem awaits in #Xiaomao Village, #Baiyun Lake Street—a sea of blooming flowers that demands your attention. This is Guangzhou's "celebrity #mango tree," a 300-year-old ancient specimen that stands resilient despite centuries of vicissitudes. Its lush canopy brims with vitality, as thousands of mango blossoms burst into bloom, their sweet fragrance wafting along the path. Locals delight, "You can smell the mangoes when it flowers!"#SplendidLingnan

上一篇:【大美广东】MagnoliaFlowers, Kapok, Sunflower... Yunfu Luoding's Best Flower Viewing Guide Is Here! 玉堂春、木棉花、向日葵……云浮罗定最强赏花指南奉上
下一篇:【大美广东】A new chapter in South China: Where mountains meet the sea 岭南新篇,山海相逢

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