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云 南 咖 啡 ,何 以 代 表 中 国 ?

中国机遇 世界共享!“春天里的中国”全球对话会卡塔尔专场在多哈举行

【大美广东】Will This Be the Next Top-Trending Intangible Cultural Heritage? 下一个“顶流”非遗,会是它吗?

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报
Lingnan: Beauty Beyond Borders | Recently, the official list of the sixth batch of national-level representative inheritors of intangible cultural heritage was announced, with 58 individuals from #Guangdong making the list. The recognized heritage projects include Guangdong Lion Dance, Cantonese Opera, and Chaozhou Opera. Notably, some lesser-known national-level intangible #cultural heritage projects also welcomed new national-level inheritors. In response, journalists interviewed the newly recognized national-level representative inheritors and cultural heritage preservationists of three such projects—Nuo Dance, Qilin Dance, and the Panwang Festival of the Yao Ethnic Group.




上一篇:【大美广东】When Kapok Blooms, Birds Flock 木棉花开百鸟来
下一篇:【雲上嶺南】The Maritime Guangdong Program Roadshow in Frenchis About to Start! Bonjour!山海计划法国路演活动即将开启

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