

习近平贵州行丨传承民族文化 推进乡村振兴——走进黔东南州黎平县肇兴侗寨


粵企熱招AI人才 算法專家月薪9萬

Exploring Zhanglin Huodi Temple Fair, a lively 200-year-old tradition

They serve the daily lives of residents in Liwan

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报
To curb the spread of the pandemic, Guangzhou has implemented closed-off management on the Zhongnan subdistrict as well as 37 other locations and their surroundings. People in these areas must follow strict quarantine measures and stay indoors.
But this leaves the problem of how to solve the daily life problems of the residents, and how to provide daily supplies for the residents here?
24 community workers have been serving the daily lives of the residents here in recent days, delivering daily living supplies to the residents. Every day, they use electric vehicles to deliver vegetables, carrots, pork, rice and other foods from the Guangzhou Supply and Marketing Cooperative to the homes of every resident. The delivery time is from 8 am to 10 pm, lasting more than 14 hours.
Tribute to these community workers!
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