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中国机遇 世界共享!“春天里的中国”全球对话会卡塔尔专场在多哈举行

Young political leaders from 21 Arab states gathered to capture the latest development trends in the GBA

发布时间:   来源: GD TODAY

On November26,in light of the3rd China-Arab States Young Political Leaders Forum,over100young political leaders from21Arab states paid an in-depth visit to Zhuhai,catching a glimpse of the latest high-quality development and modernization achievement in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

They paid a visit to Gree,a globally noted home appliance brand in Zhuhai,looking into its quality products and global market strategy.

"There are so many popular brands we received from China in our country,including everything from Xiaomi and Gree,like(water)heaters,televisions,and also fridges,"said Fatmaalzahra Abushaba,who serves as a member of Young Political Leaders from Palestine.She noted the unstoppable popularity of home appliances from China in her home country,stating,"In every home in our country,there are electrical products from China."

On her very first trip to China,Abushaba felt the pulse of exciting development after she arrived in Zhuhai."There's very amazing development here in China,and the wonderful thing is to see the development in this very remarkable area,with strong economic vitality,"she mentioned."The experience feels almost unreal,as I only saw China on the screen before."

She also hopes that the need for young political leaders to gather for the forum to exchange ideas and make plans regarding the pressing issues of peace and development in Palestine and the Middle East.

The delegation embarked on the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and reflected on its remarkable history of construction over the years.

"It's my first visit here,and it's actually amazing,especially because I come from Lebanon.In the Middle East,we're not very exposed to Chinese culture or eastern culture,"said Youri Bejjani,Advisor of Free Patriotic Movement Youth Sector,Lebanon.

Captivated by the breathtaking views over the bridge,he stressed the years-long friendship between Lebanon and China."Our relationship with China dates back to the1970s,I think.Today,Lebanon imports most of its goods from China,and recently there was also an institute for the Chinese language."

"China was very important during the Lebanese crisis and the ongoing war that is happening in the region,supporting different regions in Lebanon and the Lebanese government,"he added.

When asked about his expectations for the forum,he said the future of countries starts with the younger generation,who can meet up,discuss,and reach consensus.

"I think this forum is very important,especially since it is targeting the young generation because if you think of them,they are the leaders of tomorrow,and it's important that at this age you bring people together,"he explained,"and then at a later stage,these people will be in the government,where they will take more significant roles that would be able to build this connection and further grow it."

Delegates also visited Ninestar,a stronger player in laser printing technology.

"China,to Jordan,it's a friend,and already I have been in business for about16years with China,"said Mohammad Haroun,a member of the International Alliance of Arab Writers and Media Delegates of Friendship with China,who spoke about the close friendship he has had with the Chinese people over the past16years.

Based in Yantan,Shandong,during most of his time in China,Haroun has seen great opportunities during his trip to Guangdong,as he runs a trade company in China as well.He hopes to visit Guangdong more later to explore new trade partnerships.

“This is a huge factory,and also an international factory.I'm looking for the materials.I'm looking for parts as well,"he said."Already now all the materials from China are of high quality,so better than those in any country.And also,the price is accessible for people."

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