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China should amplify its voice on democracy: ASEAN legislator

发布时间:   来源: GD TODAY

On November 27, a delegation of legislators from seven ASEAN countries visited the grassroots legislative contact station in Guangzhou's Nansha District, Guangdong Province, to gain firsthand insights into China's whole-process people's democracy.

Since 2015, China has been establishing legislative outreach offices, providing citizens with more accessible platforms to voice their concerns. In Guangdong Province alone, more than 20 provincial-level and nearly 600 municipal-level legislative contact stations have been set up. Among these, the Nansha District station stands out as one of only two national-level grassroots legislative contact stations in the province.

What did the legislators learn from their visit to the station? How do they perceive China's democratic system? GDToday followed their journey to find out.

Reporter | Liu Xiaodi

Video editor | Deng Yingheng

Video script | Liu Xiaodi

Cameraman | Deng Yingheng

Editor | Yuan Zixiang, Wei Shen, Huang Xinying, James, Shen He

Source | GD TODAY


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