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云 南 咖 啡 ,何 以 代 表 中 国 ?

Simon Vlog游最前线|通过“超级工程”读懂中国!黄茅海跨海通道迎来首个外媒记者团

发布时间:   来源: 触电新闻


On the 2nd, the Huangmaohai Sea-Crossing Link welcomed its first foreign media group. Latin American journalists attending the 2024 “Understanding China” Conference in Guangzhou had the opportunity to visit this “mega project”! The sea-crossing link has passed its final inspection and is set to open by the end of the year, further enhancing connectivity in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Join Simon as we follow these Latin American journalists in documenting the story of this landmark project. As the first foreign media group to visit, what are their impressions?






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