舟山市委书记何中伟:向海图强 实干为要



驻罗马尼亚使馆开展 2025年“温暖迎春·共庆中国年”慰侨活动




发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报


广州一德路海味图   图源:羊城晚报
As the New Year approaches, Yide Street in Guangzhou is bustling with activities as people are busy preparing goods for the New Year while walking through the streets. Dry foods and seafood are traditional New Year’s items in Guangzhou, you can’t celebrate the Spring Festival without them! It is not only a part of the legacy of Guangzhou’s traditional culture, but also a symbol of warmth and affection.

一德路年货饰品图  图源:羊城晚报
上一篇:【老广贺春】乳虎初啸:新春虎虎生威 The New Year’s greetings from tiger cubs
下一篇:年花市场涨声一片,本地品种网红概念双双走红 Local flower varieties and trending products are becoming increasingly popular

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