【大美广东】Nansha Water Town cultural experience activities were held at the Guangzhou Cultural & Arts Centre, attracting people to experience the charm of Danjia's intangible cultural heritage 南沙水乡文化走进广州

时政微纪录丨琴澳和鸣 共谱发展新篇

著名国画家李巍:逸笔天趣 真思卓然

时政微纪录丨琴澳和鸣 共谱发展新篇


【雲上嶺南】The short film from the 2024 Maritime Guangdong Young Director Support Program was unveiled in Paris, drawing attention to the Lingnan style 山海短片亮相巴黎,岭南风情引人注目 | 山海展映季·巴黎

【雲上嶺南】Poring the cultural communication from the Qiuciculture 从龟兹重光,看文明交流互鉴|2024读懂中国

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报
Art and Culture | At the 2024 Understanding #China Conference in Guangzhou, there is a thematic forum dedicated to the protection and inheritance of historical and cultural heritage in the context of modernization. The venue is adorned with cultural and creative products such as silk scarves, mini speakers, refrigerator magnets, and more. Guests from both China and abroad are all interested of those delicate gadgets which reflected the Kucha culture. The former area of Kucha now lies in present-day Aksu Prefecture, #Xinjiang, which was anciently known as #Qiuci, an important town located at the ancient Silk Road. Kucha culture is the crucial component of Chinese Western Regions culture, representing the splendid achievement of integration between ancient Chinese and #Western culture.#artandculture




上一篇:Video|How far is it from a small town in South China to Paris?
下一篇:【大美广东】Trees with pink blossoms embellish the campus garden. Discovering the wonderful wintery view of campus in Guangzhou 满树粉霞,一园幽梦,遇见广州高校冬日最美风景线!

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