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【大美广东】Dabu Village, Gulao Town in Jiangmen: A Picturesque Hometown of Overseas Chinese, Where Egrets Dance Gracefully 江门古劳大埠村:侨乡旖旎 鹭影蹁跹

【大美广东】Dabu Village, Gulao Town in Jiangmen: A Picturesque Hometown of Overseas Chinese, Where Egrets Dance Gracefully 江门古劳大埠村:侨乡旖旎 鹭影蹁跹

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报
Lingnan: Beauty Beyond Borders | The "#Egret Paradise" quietly lies in the idyllic land of Dabu Village, Gulao Town, Heshan County-level City. As you step into Dabu, the sky above is as clear and blue as a sapphire, the water glistens with clarity, and the fields are lush and misty with a green hue. The trees are dense and verdant, as if drenched in dew. This tranquil land of pure waters and fertile soil attracts egrets from afar, who come here to roost, as though they've found their spiritual sanctuary. #SplendidLingnan




上一篇:【大美广东】Guangzhou's Spring Takes on a Golden Touch with Golden Trumpet Trees in Full Bloom 广州春日披上限定金装,风铃木花开一片金黄
下一篇:【雲上嶺南】Ne Zha 2 Ranks First in Global Animated Film Box Office! 《哪吒2》荣登全球动画电影票房第一

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