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廣州今年投211億建設大灣區 加快建穗港智造合作區

河套的今天與明天1|深港升級中試平台 壯大機器人產業

【大美广东】Celebrating a Century of Tradition: Baiyun District's Tangjing Street Lantern Festival Brims with Festivity 传承百年民俗,广州白云棠景街闹元宵仪式感满满

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报
Lingnan: Beauty Beyond Borders | This year's Lantern Festival in Guangzhou's Baiyun District was a spectacular celebration of local heritage, as the villages of Tangxi, Tangxia, and Shachongbei came together for their annual festivities. The streets were alive with dragon and lion parades, lion dances, martial arts performances, and a grand banquet attended by thousands. The air was filled with the sound of gongs and drums, and the sight of dragons and lions dancing, creating an unforgettable atmosphere of joy.




上一篇:【大美广东】10,000 Acres of Peach Blossoms in Heyuan Lianping Celebrate Spring's Arrival 河源连平万亩桃花迎春绽放
下一篇:【雲上嶺南】Cantonese Rhythms Echo Through Guangzhou, Young Voices Carry Forward a Legacy 粤韵童声润羊城,萌娃齐唱传薪火

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