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廣州今年投211億建設大灣區 加快建穗港智造合作區

河套的今天與明天1|深港升級中試平台 壯大機器人產業

【大美广东】Yunfu City's Yunan County: The Helou Dance Revives a Millennium-Old Agricultural Memory 云浮郁南:禾楼舞舞动千年农耕记忆

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报
Art and Culture | On February 17, Liantan Town in Yunfu City's Yunan County hosted its annual cultural celebration, which began with the Helou Dance, a traditional performance rich inthe folk charm of Yunan. The Helou Dance, a legacy of ancient agricultural culture, is known as a "living fossil" of ancient rice farming culture. It holds significant value in the study of the ancient Baiyue people's production, daily life, religious beliefs, and customs.




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