云 南 咖 啡 ,何 以 代 表 中 国 ?



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云 南 咖 啡 ,何 以 代 表 中 国 ?


【雲上嶺南】CCVlog | Latvian journalists visit Guangzhou for filming: 'We want to share this wonderful experience with Europe' 6名拉脱维亚记者来穗取景——“要把在广州的美好体验分享给欧洲观众”

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报
Lingnan: Beauty Beyond Borders | From March 14th to 18th, six journalists from Latvia visited Guangzhou to film a documentary. During their five-day journey, they immersed themselves in Cantonese Opera, explored cutting-edge Passenger Autonomous Aerial Vehicle (AAV) technology, and experienced the depth of traditional Chinese medicine. The seamless fusion of guangfu culture and modern technology left them in awe.


上一篇:【大美广东】Guangzhou's Yangji Village: A vibrant tapestry of folk customs 广州杨箕村:一幅鲜活的民俗画卷
下一篇:【大美广东】Guangzhou's Yangji Village: Blowing with Southern Breezes, United in Harmony 广州杨箕:南风拂面 邻情融融

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