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云 南 咖 啡 ,何 以 代 表 中 国 ?

中国机遇 世界共享!“春天里的中国”全球对话会卡塔尔专场在多哈举行

【大美广东】Guangzhou's Yangji Village: A vibrant tapestry of folk customs 广州杨箕村:一幅鲜活的民俗画卷

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报
Lingnan: Beauty Beyond Borders | Guangzhou's Yangji Village, a time-honored settlement steeped in Lingnan charm, is crisscrossed by sinuous lanes that weave through the village like mysterious ribbons. Here, ancestral halls stand solemn and dignified, bearing witness to generations of family glory and heritage—every bluestone and tile etches the struggles and perseverance of ancestors. Time-honored folk customs act as an unyielding bond, binding villagers to their cultural roots and fostering a profound sense of nostalgia and humanistic affection.

上一篇:【大美广东】Yunfu Yunan: Spring Vitality Blooms in Profusion 云浮郁南:春意盎然繁花盛
下一篇:【雲上嶺南】CCVlog | Latvian journalists visit Guangzhou for filming: 'We want to share this wonderful experience with Europe' 6名拉脱维亚记者来穗取景——“要把在广州的美好体验分享给欧洲观众”

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